Step - 1: Install avrdude
Download and install winavr which includes avrdude from the link below. Note - If AVR studio is installed on you PC, a different driver is used for avrispmk2 and hence avrdude can not be used for programing.
Once installed, go to command terminal and type avrdude. you should get something like this -
Step - 2: Verify your micro-controller and programmer is supported by avrdude
To get list of supported programmers, typeC:\>avrdude -c asdf
You should get response similar to below (with list of supported programmers)
To get list of supported micro-controller type
C:\>avrdude -c avrisp
The response should be similar to this (list of supported micro-controllers) -
Once verified, that you have supported programmer and controller. Next step is to program the micro-controller.
For this tutorial, I am using attiny45 and avrisp mkII programmer.
Step - 3: Programming
The syntex of the command is
avrdude [options]
Where the options are
(1) -p
To specify which micro-controller to program
Example - for attiny 45 uC, the syntax should be
avrdude -p t45
(2) -c
Type of programmer
Example - if using Atmel AVRISP mk II, the syntax should be
avrdude -p t45 -c avrisp2
(3) -P
Which serial port to use, If using USB device like AVRISP mkII you don't need to include this option or simply use -P usb
avrdude -p t45 -c avrisp2 -P usb
[memory] - is either flash or eeprom (or hfuse, lfuse or efuse for the chip configuration fuses
r|w|v - means you can use r (read) or w (write) or v (verify) code in memory
[:format] - is file format which we will read/write/verify. we will always be using "Intel Hex" format, so use i
If you wanted to write the file test.hex to the flash memory, the complete syntax will be.
avrdude -p t45 -c avrisp2 -P usb -U flash:w:test.hex:i
If you wanted to read the eeprom memory into the file "eedump.hex" you would use
-U eeprom:r:eedump.hex:i
Step - 4: Make makefile (optional)
A good practice is to make a .make file with all the commands in it and
simply run the following commands from command window
make -f filename.make
2) Program fuses using avrispmk2 programmer (or other programmer, see makefile)
sudo make -f .make program-avrisp2-fuses
3) Program flash
sudo make -f .make program-avrisp2
update - if AVR studio is also installed in your system than you will get this error
did not find any USB device "usb"
Red - Idle and no target power
Green - Idle with target power
Orange - Busy, programming
Orange blinking - Reversed target cable connection, or not correct pull-up on the reset line.
Red Blink - short circuit in target
Red - orange blink - Upgrade mode
make clean
make hex
(sudo) make fuse (check programmer in Makefile, may need to repeat)
(sudo) make program
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